Supported versions v1

This page lists the status for currently supported releases of EDB Postgres Distributed for Kubernetes.

Naming Scheme

The EDB Postgres Distributed for Kubernetes (PGD4K) releases follows Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 and is structured as follows:

  • <major> maps to the supported PGD version. Version 1.x corresponds to PGD version 5.x.
  • <minor> is incremented for each supported PG4K Long-Term Support release dependency change.
  • <patch> indexes the patches for the current <minor> release, representing small changes relative to the <minor> release.

Git tags for versions are prefixed with v.

General Support status

EDB Postgres Distributed for Kubernetes version 1.x is used to manage Postgres Distributed version 5.x. The general support status is as follows:

VersionCurrently SupportedRelease DateSupported Kubernetes VersionsSupported PG4K VersionsSupported Postgres versionsSupported Postgres Distributed versions
1.xYesApr 24, 2024v1.28 - v1.32v1.22, v1.25v13 - v17v5.5.1 - v5.6.1

The Postgres (operand) versions are limited to those supported by EDB Postgres Distributed (PGD).


Please be aware that this page is informative only. The "Platform Compatibility" page from the EDB website contains the official list of supported software and Kubernetes distributions.

Detailed support status

The EDB Postgres Distributed for Kubernetes (PGD4K) operator uses the EDB Postgres for Kubernetes (PG4K) operator to manage each PGD node as a PG4K Cluster. Each minor release reaches its End of Life in alignment with the corresponding PG4K LTS release. For details on the support scope of each PG4K LTS release, please refer to the platform compatibility

VersionCurrently SupportedRelease DateSupported Kubernetes VersionsSupported PG4K VersionsSupported Postgres versionsSupported Postgres Distributed versions
1.1.xYesDec 25, 20241.29, 1.30, 1.31, 1.32v1.22.8, v1.25.xv13 - v17v5.5.1 - v5.6.1
1.0.xYesApr 24, 20241.28, 1.29, 1.30, 1.31v1.22.xv13 - v17v5.5.1 - v5.6.0

Supported versions on the Openshift Platform

VersionSupported OpenShift VersionsSupported PG4K VersionsSupported Cert-manager versions
1.1.0v4.12 - v4.18v1.22.8, v1.25.x>v1.10.0
1.0.1v4.12 - v4.16v1.22.x>v1.10.0
1.0.0v4.12 - v4.15>v1.18.0>v1.10.0

EDB Postgres Distributed for Kubernetes (PGD4K) version 1.0.0 did not restrict supported PG4K version to LTS releases. when upgrading PGD4K from 1.0.0 to 1.0.1, if the installed PG4K version exceeds 1.22, we must first uninstall the PG4K operator and reinstall it with a 1.22.x to satisfy the dependency requirements.